Letty's Liposuction Directory

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Liposuction Average Cost

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The Average Cost of Liposuction:

Last year over $700 million was spent on liposuction procedures in the US alone. World-wide liposuction is a multi-billion dollar business. So making sure that you are getting the best value for your money is very important..

When assessing your liposuction costs (usually surgeon fees plus auxiliary fees) there are important considerations that you will need to keep in mind to make sure that - not only are you getting quality care, but that you are charged appropriately for the services you receive.

First the liposuction average cost will include the fee of the surgeon. This is the basic and most fundamental cost of your procedure. Here is not where you want to be cheap. The skill of the physician is one of the things for which you should expect to pay well. Your doctor has a good idea of what he or she is worth. Expect to pay for that knowledge and experience. It is helpful to think of liposuction as major surgery. AND it is that knowledge and experience that will not only transform your looks, but keep you safe.

Compare Costs:

Procedure Best Candidate Average Cost - Surgeon Fees Length of Procedure Number of Treatments Results Back to Work
Normal weight with isolated fatty areas $2,697 45 Minutes - 2 Hours One Permanent 1 - 2 Weeks
Normal weight with isolated fatty areas $2,979 45 Minutes - 2 Hours One Permanent 1 - 2 Weeks

Source - American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery

Top 5 Plastic Surgery Procedures:

Top 5 Surgical Procedures in US..

There were over 10 million surgical and nonsurgical cosmetic procedures performed in the United States last year, as reported by the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS). Surgical procedures accounted for 17% of the total with nonsurgical procedures making up 83% of the total.

Discover what the top 5 plastic surgery procedures are in the land today. You might be surprised in some cases. We just bet that you can guess what the most popular cosmetic surgery procedures in the US are...

Not sure?... Take a look to see if you're right.

Source - American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery

Surgical Procedures - SEE #5

Liposuction Average Cost: Plastic Surgery Facts & Figures

The Ethnicity of U.S. Cosmetic Patients in 2010


% of Total Procedures

African Americans

6% of Total


4% of Total


8% of Total

Other Ethnicities (Excluding Caucasians)

About 1% of Total


81% of Total

Source - American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery 2010

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Letty's Liposuction Directory

Hello. Welcome to Letty's Liposuction Directory...

By the way, I am Letty - your personal guide to everything you ever wanted to know about liposuction.

I may not be a medical expert, but I too considered having liposuction. AND I absolutely promise to give you the "Real Deal" - all the information just as I've discovered it. The good.. the bad.. and the ugly.

More About Lipo

Looking for terrific current information on liposuction - great liposuction topics and more, right?... Then see below list:

Types of Lipo

There are many different kinds of liposuction techniques... ALL with their own benefits and challenges. Read more about them here:

Lipo in Your City

If you are searching for a reliable lipo surgeon close to home - then check out these board-certified doctors in your city:

More Lipo Information

In Summary:  If you are looking for the liposuction average cost, average cost of liposuction, or average price for liposuction across the land then - Letty's Liposuction Directory is your up-to-date source for terrific liposuction information... AND above all else - we are completely committed to your health and safety. Read our complete Medical Disclaimer here.

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