Letty's Liposuction Directory

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St Clair Shores Liposuction

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When you are looking for St Clair Shores Liposuction...

You want a list of terrific lipo doctors all in one convenient location.

AND you would like those doctors to be local. Letty's Liposuction Directory has considered the difficulty inherent in searching for a great lipo doctor. SO to help, we've provided a list of terrific doctors below.

This list is great place to start - but be sure to follow-up with interviews and plenty of questions.

St Clair Shores, Michigan

  • Are You This Liposuction Surgeon?...
    Joanne Levitan MD
    Saint Clair Shores Office:
    22631 Greater Mack, Suite 300
    Saint Clair Shores, MI 48080
    (586) 773-1122
  • Are You This Liposuction Surgeon?...
    Daniela Maria Rodriguez MD
    St. Clair Shores Office:
    21727 Mack Avenue
    St. Clair Shores, MI 48080
    (586) 777-7260
  • Are You This Liposuction Surgeon?...
    Geoffrey Donald Osgood MD, F.A.C.S.
    Shores Professional Building
    20952 12 Mile Road, Suite 150
    St. Clair Shores, MI 48081
    (586) 777-6200
  • Are You This Liposuction Surgeon?...
    William Andrew Stefani MD, F.A.C.S.
    Renaissance Plastic Surgery
    25631 Little Mack, Suite 204
    St. Clair Shores, MI 48081
    (586) 779-3030
  • Are You This Liposuction Surgeon?...
    Jeffrey Lane Williams MD, F.A.C.S.
    Renaissance Plastic Surgery
    25631 Little Mack, Suite 204
    St. Clair Shores, MI 48081
    (586) 779-3030

Surgeons near St. Clair Shores:

  • Are You This Liposuction Surgeon?...
    Mariam Awada MD, F.A.C.S.
    Michigan Cosmetic & Reconstructive Surgery
    29110 Inkster Road, Suite 250
    Southfield, MI 48034
    (248) 948-5500
  • Are You This Liposuction Surgeon?...
    Eti Gursel MD
    Plastic Surgery at Harper University Hospital
    Harper Professional Building, Suite 615
    3390 John R Street
    Detroit, MI 48201
    (313) 745-4195
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Types of Lipo

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Lipo in Your City

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More Lipo Information

In Summary:  Whether you are considering a tumescent liposuction, ultrasonic, Zerona™, laser lipo, or Bodytite™ liposuction procedures in Saint Clair Shores, Michigan - Letty's Liposuction Directory is your up-to-date source for terrific liposuction information... AND above all else - we are completely committed to your health and safety. Please read our complete Medical Disclaimer here.

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